Friday, August 30, 2013


Sorry about the few days of no posting, I just started 16 hour shifts! This is why I cook two weeks of meals in advance!

There are a few things I would like encourage everyone to do, regardless of what "diet" you're on or what lifestyle you choose to lead. However this is MOST important for those of you who are just starting out.

Even without insurance a general check up with a doctor is not all that expensive, and WITH insurance it can be free! Many different companies offer an annual check up for no cost because it is just EASIER to catch something earlier on. It's easier on you and it's cheaper in the long run for the insurance company, so if you have this available to you, take advantage of it!

There is a lot of talk about increased LDL (bad cholesterol) with Paleo. The Paleo lifestyle itself does not cause this! Remember that! What does cause this? Lack of paying attention! Large quantities of saturated fat, not enough exercise, not enough micronutrients, genetics (to an extent) can all contribute to high bad cholesterol levels. So what I want to talk about the 2 factors that you can change (besides the obvious one, exercise!).

#1 Micronutrients: This one is easy! Micronutrients are those minerals such as zinc, copper, iodine, and also those vitamins like A, B, C, D, E, K.... sound kind of familiar? These are easy to get from all of those fresh fruits and vegetables you eat with every meal (you heard me). Take advantage of all the fruits and vegetable you can get only a couple months out of the year. This will rotate what you eat so you don't get bored eating red apples every single day! Right now there are still some berries that are in season, though they are going out quick, but pears of all kinds are fantastic right now! Red pears are sweet and very juicy! It's like eating a syrupy dessert. Dig in!

Remember: Eating fruits and vegetables of ALL colors will help make sure that you get those essential micronutrients. Micronutrients help balance proper LDL and HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

#2 Saturated Fat: Paleo eaters everywhere love their coconut, their coconut flour and their coconut oil/cream/butter, ect! Take a look at that jar. Do it right now. Look at the total fat in the product per serving. Now look at the Saturated Fat content for the same serving. WOW! Those numbers aren't very different, are they? Now do the same thing with olive oil. HUGE difference!

You will find saturated fat in other places like in bacon, red meat, and other fatty meats and fatty fish (especially farm raised fish, you want wild caught!).

The whole point of this is not to say become a vegetarian, heck no! But watch the percentage of saturated fat you are consuming. Simple fix to help you live a long and healthy life!

So, as I was saying, get that annual check up, KNOW YOUR NUMBERS. I strongly encourage you to get your numbers checked before you start a new lifestyle, at three months and at six months. This makes it easier to identify the source of the problem if there is a problem. A lot of stuff can change in a year, three months is a much easier window to tweak any problems that may arise.

The more you know ;)

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