Wednesday, August 21, 2013


This goes out to all of the girls. Not that guys don't love chocolate, but us girls tend to have a need for it once in a while.

Cocao (Chocolate) is a superfood. Chocolate is good for you. A Hersey's chocolate bar, not so much. Here is the perfect opportunity to fight that chocolate craving with WHOLE food. 

This recipe is not super-sweet like a candy bar. The sweetness comes from the coconut milk and the bit of raw honey I add (which you can certainly omit if you don't need the additional sweetness). A lot of paleo food isn't very sweet. Part of that is simply the food, and part of that is because we only use sweetners like raw honey and pure maple syrup as needed. 

Eating overly sweet foods causes your blood sugar to go up, which in turn causes your body to put more insulin into your bloodstream. As a result, eventually you have that "sugar crash" which, as a defense mechanism, causes your appetite to increase so that you will put more sugar back into your body to now balance out the amount of insulin you have floating around. This is one of the reasons why you can eat a giant bag of potato chips and never feel satisfied. You have your body running in circles. The same thing can occur from eating too much fruit or high-carb veggies which is why later this week we will talk about fruit and veggie choices. Don't worry, you can still eat those fruits and veggies you normally do on paleo, but I will show you how you may want switch up which fruits and veggies you eat when. But we aren't here for that. We're talking about chocolate.

This paleo recipe is very simple and it leaves you with a hot mug of rich chocolate.

What you will need: A sauce pan, full fat coconut milk, almond milk, water, unsweet cocoa powder, vanilla, raw honey, and cinnamon.

#1: Pour 1 cup almond milk and 1/2 cup coconut milk into your sauce pan. Place on the stove over low-medium heat.

#2: Microwave 1/4 cup of water 10-15 seconds (or if you can get warm water from the tap that is fine). It doesn't need to be boiling, just a little above room temperature will work. Combine 2 Tablespoons of unsweet cocoa powder and your warm water. Stir to dissolve. Pour this into your sauce pan. Stir.

#3: Add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon raw honey. Stir until dissolved. 

#4: Add 1/4 teaspoon vanilla and a dash or two of cinnamon to taste. Stir and bring to desired temperature.

This yields 2 8oz servings.

Now take your mug and go hide so you can enjoy your nirvana in peace. 

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